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What matters most to you in your local area? Have your say

On 1 April 2023, the new North Yorkshire Council will replace the eight councils currently delivering public services across the county. The new council will be the largest geographically in the country, but it’s being built with local at the heart of everything it will do. We want to find out what’s important to you locally, and what you think the new council should prioritise for your local area. That’s why we’re holding North Yorkshire’s biggest ever conversation – Let’s Talk.

We asked Sarah Howsen, Skipton’s Business Improvement District Manager, why she’s supporting Let’s Talk.

Speaking about her love for Craven, she said: “Skipton has everything that you need. You can come into town and you have your butchers and bakers and the vibrant high street; you have picturesque walks, the award-winning cafés and restaurants plus good public transport – everything you need is in a walkable distance. Tourists from far and wide visit the town for its bustling market and famous Skipton Castle, but many come due to the town’s proximity to the Yorkshire Dales National Park. We have several independent businesses – there aren’t many high street chains. People love supporting local businesses as they offer a unique and personal shopping experience. 

“I’m looking forward to the implementation of the new council as it will reduce duplication and complexities. However, I’m conscious that the voices of local communities are always heard and represented in any local decision-making processes, and we are not forgotten about or overlooked when compared to nearby towns. 

“I would like to see the distinctive character of our rural district always recognised, and I’m glad the Let’s Talk campaign is giving members of the public an insight and opportunity to learn more about the council and how it will represent us equally at local level. With the centralisation of power from April onwards, I hope the support for the delivery of local services – be it council tax or emptying of the bins – is stronger and fit for the future.” 

Have you had your say yet? Complete the Let’s Talk Local survey here and tell us what’s important to you in your local area. Why not encourage your friends and family to take part in the survey as well by sending them this link https://letstalkny.commonplace.is/.

Posted on 17th October 2022

by Let’s Talk Team