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Our survey says... communities matter to you. Find out more

In autumn 2022, we launched Let’s Talk North Yorkshire, our biggest ever countywide conversation to understand how residents feel about their local area and their priorities, as well as the impact the cost-of-living crisis is having on lives.

You can read more on our 'What you told us' tile.

We received nearly 3,900 responses to Let’s Talk Local and nearly 2,700 responses to Let’s Talk Money from people (of all ages) who live and work across all areas of North Yorkshire.

Thanks to everyone who took the time to give us your views by attending one of the 214 engagement events held across the county or by completing one of our online, or paper surveys.

We wanted to use this information to build on the work previously done by the eight separate councils and to inform our new council’s decisions, policies and services going forward.

We are the geographically largest council in England, with a mix of rural, urban and coastal communities, all of which have common challenges but also competing and differing needs. Therefore, a strong community voice is essential. Let’s Talk North Yorkshire is one way of empowering that voice and is a clear commitment to listening to you and our communities.

Let’s Talk North Yorkshire is the start of our conversation with you and some of the information you have shared with us highlights the importance of further engagement. We have a vision to build on North Yorkshire’s natural assets, strong local economy and resilient communities, to improve the way local services are delivered and support a good quality of life for all. In order to deliver that vision, we need to engage with you. We are committed to listening and to doing everything we can to advocate for North Yorkshire and deliver the best possible opportunities for people and communities here.

Read the summary of the report on our 'What you told us' tile.


There are just a few days left to fill in our latest survey and help shape the future of all forms of transport and travel in North Yorkshire. Have your say today.

Please fill in our survey at Have your say today - Let's Talk North Yorkshire - Commonplace

Posted on 12th July 2023

by Let’s Talk Team