
Survey - Let's Talk Food


Let's Talk Food

Help us by filling in our survey.

We aim to make sure everyone has nutritious, affordable food from sustainable sources.

We’re looking at the whole food system, from farm to fork.

We want to know where you get your food from and what household food gets thrown away.

Don’t miss this chance to be part of improving food in North Yorkshire.

Join the conversation and fill in the survey before 1 April 2024.

We want to know where you get your healthy food from. This will allow us to better understand the challenges of getting healthy food in North Yorkshire. 

By ‘healthy’ food we mean food from the main food groups that provide us with the nutrients we need – fruit and veg, grains, protein (for example fish, lean meat, eggs, and beans), and dairy (or alternatives) – without much added salt and sugar.

Find out more about the food groups at the Eat Well guide on the NHS website.

Below are just a few examples of foods that belong to the different food groups.

Fruit and vegetables: Bananas, apples, carrots, peas (tinned, fresh or frozen).

Grains and carbohydrates: Rice, pasta, oats and bagels.

Protein: Beans, pulses, fish, eggs, meat, lentils, nuts, tuna.

Dairy and alternatives: Cheese, milk, low-fat cheese, yoghurts.

Oils and spreads: Vegetable oil, low-fat spreads.

What do we mean by making it easier to get healthier food:

Lower cost of food: healthier food that you and your household find affordable.

Better access to transport: being able to get to the places where healthy food is because it is currently an obstacle.

Healthy options in my area: restaurants, takeaways, or leisure spaces (for example Cinema, bowling alley, sports centre) I spend my time in offering healthy food options.

Shops near me with healthy food: having shops with healthy food within walking, cycling, or wheeling distance.

Support for local gardens or food projects: being able to grow my own food within a reasonable distance from my home or as part of a community project.

Reducing unhealthy food advertising: seeing lots of advertising for unhealthy food can encourage unhealthy food options.


We are asking questions about the food you throw away, so that we can understand the challenges of reducing food waste in North Yorkshire.

By ‘food waste’ we mean any unused and unprepared food that you throw away, for example because you no longer want it or it has gone past its use-by date.

What follows is an explanation of a list of the common things that you might find apply to you and might make it difficult to reduce your food waste. This can help you answer the next question in the survey.

Buying too much: Buying more food than you can eat before you feel it needs to be thrown away.

Cooking too much: Cooking more food than you and your family or housemates can eat before you feel it needs to be thrown away.

Food going off: Food no longer safe to eat. 

Everyone eats different things in the houseMultiple meals are needed for each mealtime to satisfy people in your household.

Changing minds about what to eat: You may have planned to eat a meal but decided you wanted something else.

Not knowing how to use leftovers: You may have prepared a meal and there were extra ingredients or portions and you don’t know how to make use of it.

Food sold in larger amounts than I need: You could not buy the exact amount of food that you needed because of shop packaging, such as you had to buy more than you needed - 1 kilogram bag of sugar to use 200 grams.

You can find out more about how you can reduce your food waste on the 'Love Food Hate Waste' website.

See what the NHS advice is for healthier families on their website.

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