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Let’s Talk Money – have your say on North Yorkshire Council’s budget for 2024-25

If you live in North Yorkshire, have your say on North Yorkshire Council’s priorities for next year. Take our survey on our Commonplace website.

We’re asking you what you think North Yorkshire Council should prioritise and what is important to you. We will include your feedback in our budget report that goes to the council’s members for a decision.

Last year, more than 2650 people filled in our Let’s Talk Money survey. You told us:

  • you supported our proposed approach of harmonising council tax rates over a two-year period from 1 April 2023
  • We have done this and the base level for council tax for 2024/25 will be the same for the whole of North Yorkshire.

  • you agreed with our proposals to introduce a 100% council tax premium for second homeowners in North Yorkshire.
  • We had hoped to be able to introduce this from 1 April 2024 but are currently waiting for government legislation to be able to do this.

  • you supported increases to council tax and the adult social care precept to help the council meet the challenging financial environment.
  • We are very aware of the pressures on household budgets but despite using our reserves and finding even more areas where we can make savings, without compromising frontline services, we needed to increase council tax to meet these pressures. In February 2023, councillors voted to increase general council tax by 2.99% along with an increase of 2% in the adult social care precept.

    You can read more detail on what you told us last year on our Let's Talk North Yorkshire Commonplace information tile.

    Have your say on our priorities for 2024-25 by taking part in this year’s Let’s Talk Money survey. Feedback received will inform decisions on the 2024-25 budget and the Council Plan covering 2024 to 2028.

    The council’s priorities are set out in its Council Plan which you can find on our North Yorkshire Council website.

    The Let’s Talk Money survey can be completed on our Commonplace website. The survey will close on Monday, December 18.

    Feedback and the results of the consultation will be included in the budget report that will go to the council’s executive on January 23, 2024, and to the full council on February 21, 2024, for a final decision.

    Read the full press release on our website 'Residents urged to give feedback on council budget priorities'

    Posted on 13th November 2023

    by Let’s Talk Team