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Devolution - have your say!

In North Yorkshire eight councils currently provide local public services. From 1 April next year there will be just one - North Yorkshire Council. Having one council will save money and join up services so that they make sense to local people and businesses. This alone will deliver savings of between £30 and £70 million each year. Money which will be used to protect the most important local services at a critical time when everyone and every organisation is feeling the pressures from increased costs.

Let’s Talk Devolution

Making this change to local government was also necessary to make sure the county could qualify for the strongest possible devolution deal. Devolution is the transfer of certain powers and money from national government to a region. It means local people and businesses have a bigger say on their local priorities and how that money is spent.

By replacing eight councils with just one, North Yorkshire was able to bid for a devolution deal which included a mayor.  A mayor would lead a regional combined authority for both North Yorkshire and York.

Devolution could bring about important change in York and North Yorkshire, so it’s important you have your say.

Take part in the devolution consultation before 16 December via this link.

Why not encourage your friends and family to complete the survey as well? Send them this link ynydevolution.com.

Posted on 18th November 2022

by Let’s Talk Team