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Survey - Let's Talk Local contributions

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Mostly positive

over 1 year ago


What do you like about your local area?

• Friendly and safe

How satisfied are you with your local area as a place to live?

Mostly positive

What improvements would you like to see in your area?

• Cleanliness

Why do you agree/disagree?

I neither agree or disagree. A choice of 'Don't know' should be there.

How much has the cost of living crisis impacted you? Rate 1 'not at all' to 5 'a lot'


Has the cost of living crisis led you to do more of the following?

No impact

No impact

Has the cost of living crisis led you to do any of the following?

No impact

No impact

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over 1 year ago


What do you like about your local area?

• Range of activities and things to do

• Opportunities to be involved

What do you think makes a good place to live?

Easily accessed services shops; GP's; emergency health care reliable and reasonable public transport; social opportunities (pubs, libraries, clubs etc) obvious police patrols; community communication (notice boards/online) and councillors who are interested and local

How satisfied are you with your local area as a place to live?


What improvements would you like to see in your area?

• Public transport

• Loneliness and isolation

• Health

• Feeling safer

Is there anything else important to you that you would like to share about your local area?

Education we have a lovely village school which is now run by a school 7 miles away. It is filled (over full) by children who come from all over (some travel from Darlington) and a child who moved into the village last year has not been allowed to attend village school as there is no room.

Do you agree with the proposed Community Network in your area?


Why do you agree/disagree?

The map doesn't make any sense to me. I live near Bedale - what does that mean? Different colours? What does that mean?

What should the new council prioritise over the next three years?

  1. Health and wellbeing

  2. Public transport

  3. Affordable homes

  4. Cost of living crisis

  5. Value for money

  6. Education and childcare

  7. Jobs and skills

  8. Town centres

  9. Business support

  10. Broadband and mobile coverage

  11. Climate change

How much has the cost of living crisis impacted you? Rate 1 'not at all' to 5 'a lot'


Has the cost of living crisis led you to do more of the following?

Increase debt

Increase debt

Use credit

Use credit

 Use savings

Use savings

Has the cost of living crisis led you to do any of the following?

Cut back on food

Cut back on food

Spend less on leisure

Spend less on leisure

Take fewer journeys

Take fewer journeys

Use less heating

Use less heating

Is there anything else you would like to tell us about the impact of the cost of living crisis on you and your family?

Unable to get good quality fresh food is affecting my health conditions and am unable to afford travelling to hospital appointments. Feeling desperate.

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over 1 year ago


What do you like about your local area?

• Friendly and safe

• Range of shops

• Library

How satisfied are you with your local area as a place to live?


What improvements would you like to see in your area?

• Public transport

• Housing

• Good quality jobs

• Opportunities for jobs or training

Do you agree with the proposed Community Network in your area?


Why do you agree/disagree?

Pickering appears to be in a different group to Malton, yet the residents of Pickering look to Malton, as the larger town; for many things. I went through the local about re-organisation of 1974 & services were not improved.

What should the new council prioritise over the next three years?

  1. Value for money

  2. Affordable homes

  3. Jobs and skills

  4. Public transport

  5. Business support

  6. Town centres

  7. Health and wellbeing

  8. Education and childcare

  9. Broadband and mobile coverage

  10. Cost of living crisis

  11. Climate change

How much has the cost of living crisis impacted you? Rate 1 'not at all' to 5 'a lot'


Has the cost of living crisis led you to do more of the following?

Shop around

Shop around

Has the cost of living crisis led you to do any of the following?

No impact

No impact

Is there anything else you would like to tell us about the impact of the cost of living crisis on you and your family?


Add your like! More reaction types are coming soon.

Mostly positive

over 1 year ago


What do you like about your local area?

• Range of shops

• Clean and tidy

• Friendly and safe

• Range of activities and things to do

• Public transport

• Places to meet

What do you think makes a good place to live?

Community, Mental Health Support, Reliable transport, Funding for local activities and transport to towns.

How satisfied are you with your local area as a place to live?

Mostly positive

What improvements would you like to see in your area?

• Anti-social behaviour

• Air quality

• Public transport

• Cleanliness

• Loneliness and isolation

• Cost of living

Is there anything else important to you that you would like to share about your local area?

Council does not clean up leaves on public footpath

Do you agree with the proposed Community Network in your area?


Why do you agree/disagree?

It's easier to read because its in colour.

What should the new council prioritise over the next three years?

  1. Value for money

  2. Cost of living crisis

  3. Education and childcare

  4. Town centres

  5. Public transport

  6. Health and wellbeing

  7. Affordable homes

  8. Climate change

  9. Jobs and skills

  10. Broadband and mobile coverage

  11. Business support

How much has the cost of living crisis impacted you? Rate 1 'not at all' to 5 'a lot'


Has the cost of living crisis led you to do more of the following?

Shop around

Shop around

No impact

No impact

Has the cost of living crisis led you to do any of the following?

Spend less on leisure

Spend less on leisure

Take fewer journeys

Take fewer journeys

No impact

No impact

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over 1 year ago


What do you like about your local area?

• Clean and tidy

• Friendly and safe

What do you think makes a good place to live?

Good accessible services i.e. school, GP, dentist, library, church, theartre, post office. Good frequent reliable cheap public transport. Affordable shops locally . Good mixture of housing and age groups. Reasonable parking. Limit to tourism and homes, holiday cottages bijou/boutique shops

How satisfied are you with your local area as a place to live?


What improvements would you like to see in your area?

• Public transport

• Housing

• Opportunities for jobs or training

Is there anything else important to you that you would like to share about your local area?

New housing of indifferent quality has not proven affordable and is not supported by infrastructure i.e. extra doctors, school places, public transport. Need more opportunities if young people are no to move away for the area. Purging of 2nd holiday homes cottages pricing people out also affects type of shops especially in Helmsley

Do you agree with the proposed Community Network in your area?


Why do you agree/disagree?

Local autonomy Politics are very London centric Rural areas are forgotten and rural poverty is on the increase

What should the new council prioritise over the next three years?

  1. Education and childcare

  2. Health and wellbeing

  3. Public transport

  4. Affordable homes

  5. Cost of living crisis

  6. Climate change

  7. Jobs and skills

  8. Town centres

  9. Value for money

  10. Business support

  11. Broadband and mobile coverage

How much has the cost of living crisis impacted you? Rate 1 'not at all' to 5 'a lot'


Has the cost of living crisis led you to do more of the following?

Shop around

Shop around

Use credit

Use credit

Has the cost of living crisis led you to do any of the following?

Spend less on leisure

Spend less on leisure

Take fewer journeys

Take fewer journeys

Use less heating

Use less heating

Is there anything else you would like to tell us about the impact of the cost of living crisis on you and your family?

Restriction on ability to socialise . Restriction on travel even locally to places of interest/pleasure. Go to bed very early to avoid using heating

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